The new EquiSal saliva collection kit 2017


We are delighted to announce that Austin Davis Biologics has designed and manufactured a new horse saliva collection swab. We have also taken over control of the manufacturing of the EquiSal saliva collection kits and we have been busy designing new packaging and leaflets to accompany the new swab. The saliva collection swab is a similar size to the original swab and also still has the important volume indicator to show when you have collected enough saliva, but the design is very different.



The new swabs have a colour change indicator disc which shows when saliva collection has started and fully changes colour when enough saliva has been collected.


As well as the change in swab design, we have also changed the design of the other kit contents. The instruction sheet, which has changed to incorporate the new swab design, also doubles as the front label for the kit and we have included a new sheet in the kit which helps to explain the results and testing regime.

The new instructions can be found here: EquiSal Instructions

